Yes. Believe it or not, I'm still busy with my cards, cookies and crafty things!
In fact,so much so, that my blog has had to go on the back burner....
At some stage, I'll upload all the backload of photos which I have patiently waiting......
In the meantime I would like to wish all my family and friends all the very best for the Christmas season, and for the New Year 2014!
Here are a few photos of my latest biscuits!!
These little "log" Biscuits representan the TIÓ, a tipical figure for all Catalan children.
Here's an explanation of the tradition.
(If anyone would like to add information to this, I would love to hear about it)
The famílies traditionally go out to the forest or mountains ... to look for the tió, which they bring back home. He has a face painted, a catalan hat added and is covered with a blanket, then given pride of place at home. (Some people cheat a little here and buy a tió from one of the Christmas street Markets,then surreptitiously take it to a suitable spot for the little ones to find!!!!)
Well,as I was saying, the children then leave food every day to feed this magical creature. Items such as mandarines, nuts,or whatever they consider he would enjoy!
The idea is to see every morning if the previous days food has been demolished- this only happen when no one is around,of course!
This all leads up to Christmas Day,(or maybe Christmas Eve) when the tió is placed in the middle of the festivities and covered with his blanket. Each child has a branch,or some form of stick to hit the log with and sing a special "Caga Tió" song or Christmas carols to see if when they have finished there is something deposited under the blanket!
A family member takes the children to a nearby room,or to the kitchen to "practice" the songs before they can proceed, so I'm sure you all get the Picture....... Sometimes the children start off to find that there is nothing under the blanket, so are encouraged to go back and practice some more....
Usually,the first"depositions" are chocolate coins and sweeties,which are eagerly gathered up with a mum or dad to help the smallest participants get their fair share.
This builds up to another "present" of maybe colouring books, plasticine and crayons and finally,if they are lucky, some small presents with their names on!
(With the older kids, we have sometimes finished with a little plastic turd so they get the message,that its all over!!)
The children lap it all up! Those who are at school get to say or sing their Christmas party pieces that have been learnt at school! I absolutely love all this. It's amazing their capacity to remember quite long poems ,and their youthful voices are soooo angelical!
A truly family time!
Gingerbread reindeer biscuits covered in chocolate fondant,
with gold painted finishing touches

Trays of fondant decorated Biscuits ready to go into assorted boxes.
Santa hats, boots and mittens
make a lovely colourful gift of biscuits at Christmas!
Star biscuit Christmas trees are also very popular
and make pretty centrepieces for the Christmas table!
Boxes of Christmas decorated biscuits waiting to be delivered!
An assortiment of Christmas baked biscuits.
Individually wrapped fondant Christmas Biscuits.
These look so cute as place Settings!
More boxes of tasty Christmas treats!
A wrapped and decorated Christmas tree.
Not forgetting "The reason for the Season"
Nativity Biscuits.(See top of the page,too.)
A Very Happy Christmas to you all wherever you may be!