A sweet Easter card , design by
Michelle Johnson at craftsuprint
ref: cup409454-376. These adorable bunnies make a such a cute couple!
Printed on matte photo paper,
Mounted on a pink textured card.
Decoupaged with silicone.
Added lavender silk heart under daisy for a romantic touch.
With pink card candi in the corners.
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013
Check out this real cute card design from Carol Smith at CUP. Looks great on glossy photo paper. Shows off the bright vibrant colours. Decoupaged with foam pads and silucone. Stickles and glossy accents used to highlight the Easter eggs.
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013
Hice esta postal para el cumpleaños
de un aficionado del F.C. Athletic de Bilbao.
He utilizado un diseño S.J.Booth, de C.U.P.
referéncia: cup277756_1026
y lo he personalizado.
(He añadido cinta washi de rayas rojas y blancas
y una pequeña futbol para decorar el sobre de color rojo.)
A card I crafted for a fan of
Athletic de Bilbao football club.
(The envelope was decorated with Washi tape and a mini football.)
Mug design by S.J. Booth from craftsuprint.
ref:277756_1026 personalized with the club's shield
and the recipient's name.
de un aficionado del F.C. Athletic de Bilbao.
He utilizado un diseño S.J.Booth, de C.U.P.
referéncia: cup277756_1026
y lo he personalizado.
(He añadido cinta washi de rayas rojas y blancas
y una pequeña futbol para decorar el sobre de color rojo.)
A card I crafted for a fan of
Athletic de Bilbao football club.
(The envelope was decorated with Washi tape and a mini football.)
Mug design by S.J. Booth from craftsuprint.
ref:277756_1026 personalized with the club's shield
and the recipient's name.
Aspecto general de la postal con fondos
negro,blanco y verde perlado,
montados en angulos contrastados sobre postal blanco A5,
y ribeteados con tiras decorativas doradas.
una esquina con mini pelotas de futbol
aplicadas con decoupage.
Escudo de Athletic de Bilbao
aplicado sobre la camiseta roja y blanca.
Otra mini decoupage de camiseta y escudo.
Y como no debia faltar, una deliciosa tarta
para acompañar!
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013
Last week we (Matina cookies)
were asked to do some biscuits
for the birthday of a basketball player.
We had fun personalising these biscuits.
You can see the result below...
I hope the friends all tucked into
their early morning breakfast of biscuits last Sunday!!!
Many Happy Returns, Unai!!
were asked to do some biscuits
for the birthday of a basketball player.
We had fun personalising these biscuits.
You can see the result below...
I hope the friends all tucked into
their early morning breakfast of biscuits last Sunday!!!
Many Happy Returns, Unai!!
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
Here's the card I sent to my mum for Mother's Day.
She lives in England and Mother's day
is always celebrated in March there!
La postal que preparé para mi Madre en ocasión del día de la madre.
I thought it was really pretty..............
It's a design by Janet Briggs at craftsuprint.
With my own special touch,of course.
Me encanta el diseño de Janet
She lives in England and Mother's day
is always celebrated in March there!
La postal que preparé para mi Madre en ocasión del día de la madre.
I thought it was really pretty..............
It's a design by Janet Briggs at craftsuprint.
With my own special touch,of course.
Me encanta el diseño de Janet
I used a lace punch along the cut vertical edges
for a very feminine finish.
I've also added a die cut 3D green
and purple butterfly to embellish.
I've used cristal stickles on the tips
of the rose petals for a lovely shiny effect.
Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure
that my dear mum has received it!
Despite recorded delivery!
I hope she enjoys it as much as I enjoyed crafting it for her!
LOVE YOU !!!!!
Good evening, Monday!
I've been impatient to post this photo!
We were asked for a decorated biscuit
with the shield of a favourite football club.
It also happens to be mine!
I'm pleased with the result
as its my first try at making
more than a simple template.
This is part of a selection of biscuits
with a basketball theme.
You'll be able to see them later this week.
I hope this will bring good luck
to the team for their important match
tomorrow,Tuesday, against Milan!
Pels meus amics i familiars catalans:
!Bona Sort pel Dimarts contre el Milan!
Avuí estic molt contenta de publicar
aquesta foto del escut del Barça!!
Feta amb capes de fondant,
per mi és gairebé una escultura!!
Em recorda quan era petita i el meu pare,
que ja no está entre nosaltres,
feía treballs de marquetería
amb unes lamines finetes de fusta.
Tenía molta traça i feía quadres
de carrers de poble, del mar, d'ocells....
Explicava que ho havía apprés
durant la segona guerra mondial
en el seu temps d'esbarjo en la
"Royal Air Force" Britànica.
Ell era una manetes, sabia cosir,
fer catifes a mà,y molt més...
(són records d'àvia!!)
Així he de dedicar la galeta d'avuí
al meu pare i a la marquetería!!
És el meu primer intent
de fer una plantilla una mica complicada.
Espero que ho mireu amb bons ulls!
Proposo anar millorant la tècnica, però
fa molta goig!! de totes formes.
doncs, res més.
** La pròxima vegada explicaré les galetes
amb tematica de Basquet.
I've been impatient to post this photo!
We were asked for a decorated biscuit
with the shield of a favourite football club.
It also happens to be mine!
I'm pleased with the result
as its my first try at making
more than a simple template.
This is part of a selection of biscuits
with a basketball theme.
You'll be able to see them later this week.
I hope this will bring good luck
to the team for their important match
tomorrow,Tuesday, against Milan!
Pels meus amics i familiars catalans:
!Bona Sort pel Dimarts contre el Milan!
Avuí estic molt contenta de publicar
aquesta foto del escut del Barça!!
Feta amb capes de fondant,
per mi és gairebé una escultura!!
Em recorda quan era petita i el meu pare,
que ja no está entre nosaltres,
feía treballs de marquetería
amb unes lamines finetes de fusta.
Tenía molta traça i feía quadres
de carrers de poble, del mar, d'ocells....
Explicava que ho havía apprés
durant la segona guerra mondial
en el seu temps d'esbarjo en la
"Royal Air Force" Britànica.
Ell era una manetes, sabia cosir,
fer catifes a mà,y molt més...
(són records d'àvia!!)
Així he de dedicar la galeta d'avuí
al meu pare i a la marquetería!!
És el meu primer intent
de fer una plantilla una mica complicada.
Espero que ho mireu amb bons ulls!
Proposo anar millorant la tècnica, però
fa molta goig!! de totes formes.
doncs, res més.
** La pròxima vegada explicaré les galetes
amb tematica de Basquet.
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
This is a quick and simple card to make
and at the same time it's soooo sweet....
The lovely hearts backing paper is from
Katy Kinsey at www.craftsuprint.com
The adorable pussy pic I've used is part
of an inverted pyramid card by Emma Bee,
at the same site. ref:cup123841_325.
and at the same time it's soooo sweet....
The lovely hearts backing paper is from
Katy Kinsey at www.craftsuprint.com
The adorable pussy pic I've used is part
of an inverted pyramid card by Emma Bee,
at the same site. ref:cup123841_325.
I've punched the sides of some lavender silk paper
with my lace punch and mounted the kitten image on this .
A spanish "felicidades" peel off silver greeting
with tiny lavender pearls each side.
A satin heart and bow add a special finishing touch.
Let me know if you like any of my crafted cards,
or have any observations you would like to make
or questions to ask. I'm always pleased to hear from anyone
who shares my hobby of card making and baking!
Here is a different presentation for our
star wars fondant decorated biscuits.
I hope you like them.
I've used gilding on our favourite robot!
and was pleased with the result.
Assorted tray of Star Wars characters.
Here's the recipe I promised a couple of days ago:
It's taken from an old Be-ro soft backed cookbook
that my mum used to use when I was little in the 50's.
I dont think its published anymore,(mine is minus its covers!)
but it is very good for basic baking recipes.
-6 oz self-raising flour
-pinch of salt
-3 oz caster sugar
2 oz ground almonds
5 oz margarine(or butter)
3 or 4 drops of almond essence
a few blanched almonds
Traditional method
1. Prepare the oven- 350ºf, 180C
( 160 for convection oven) or gas 4.
2. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and rub in margarine.
3.Add almond essence. Mix well
and bring together using your hands.
4. Roll out thinly and cut out rounds.
5. Place on a baking tray.
6. Add half a blanched almond to each.
7. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Place softened margarine in the thermomix.
Add the rest of ingredients.
Mix for 30sec at speed 6. adding the essence after 20 secs.
Empty on a floured surface an form a ball.
Continue as traditional method from point 4.
-175g harina tipo bizcochona(con levadura incorporada)
-pellizco de sal
-75g azucar blanquilla
-50g almendra en harina
-150g margarina o mantequilla.
-una gotas de eséncia de almendra.
-unas cuantas almendras crudas.
HORNO: 15minutos 180ºC (160ºC horno con aire)
Metodo tradicional.
1. Mezclar ingredientes secos.
Añadir la mantequilla en trocitos
y hacer migas finitas con las manos.
2.Añadir la esencia de almendra
y usar las manos para formar una bola.
3.Extender con el rodillo
y cortar formas con la cortapastas.
4.Colocar en una bandeja de horno
cubierto con papel de horno o silicona.
5. Se puede añadir media almendra cruda
a cada galleta antes de hornear.
Dejar enfriar en una bandeja de rejillas.
Una vez completamente frias,
se pueden guardar en un pote hermetico o
lata para galletas.
Son buenas para acompañar al café o a un postre de chocolate!
Algunas galletas las hornee sin almendra.
Una vez frias las metí en chocolate derritido
y pasé una forquilla para dar un dibujo ondulado.
Las dejé sobre papel sulfurizado para secar.
Tambien se puede esparcir un poco de
almendra tostada triturada antes de hornear.
It's taken from an old Be-ro soft backed cookbook
that my mum used to use when I was little in the 50's.
I dont think its published anymore,(mine is minus its covers!)
but it is very good for basic baking recipes.
-6 oz self-raising flour
-pinch of salt
-3 oz caster sugar
2 oz ground almonds
5 oz margarine(or butter)
3 or 4 drops of almond essence
a few blanched almonds
Traditional method
1. Prepare the oven- 350ºf, 180C
( 160 for convection oven) or gas 4.
2. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and rub in margarine.
3.Add almond essence. Mix well
and bring together using your hands.
4. Roll out thinly and cut out rounds.
5. Place on a baking tray.
6. Add half a blanched almond to each.
7. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Place softened margarine in the thermomix.
Add the rest of ingredients.
Mix for 30sec at speed 6. adding the essence after 20 secs.
Empty on a floured surface an form a ball.
Continue as traditional method from point 4.
Coming out of the oven a pale golden colour......
-175g harina tipo bizcochona(con levadura incorporada)
-pellizco de sal
-75g azucar blanquilla
-50g almendra en harina
-150g margarina o mantequilla.
-una gotas de eséncia de almendra.
-unas cuantas almendras crudas.
HORNO: 15minutos 180ºC (160ºC horno con aire)
Metodo tradicional.
1. Mezclar ingredientes secos.
Añadir la mantequilla en trocitos
y hacer migas finitas con las manos.
2.Añadir la esencia de almendra
y usar las manos para formar una bola.
3.Extender con el rodillo
y cortar formas con la cortapastas.
4.Colocar en una bandeja de horno
cubierto con papel de horno o silicona.
5. Se puede añadir media almendra cruda
a cada galleta antes de hornear.
Dejar enfriar en una bandeja de rejillas.
Una vez completamente frias,
se pueden guardar en un pote hermetico o
lata para galletas.
Son buenas para acompañar al café o a un postre de chocolate!
Algunas galletas las hornee sin almendra.
Una vez frias las metí en chocolate derritido
y pasé una forquilla para dar un dibujo ondulado.
Las dejé sobre papel sulfurizado para secar.
Tambien se puede esparcir un poco de
almendra tostada triturada antes de hornear.
I hope you lke this recipe!
¡Espero que os guste la receta!
miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013
This is a nice easy recipe to try!
without eggs and with ground almonds.
Una receta sencilla y buena para probar!
Hecha sin huevos y con almendras molidas.
Here's what they looked like, on a cooling rack.
I'll try and get the recipe written up tomorrow!
I also dipped some in melted dark chocolate.
Estas estan media cubiertas con chocolate negro.
Muy ricas...
A ver si mañana escribo la receta...
without eggs and with ground almonds.
Una receta sencilla y buena para probar!
Hecha sin huevos y con almendras molidas.
Here's what they looked like, on a cooling rack.
I'll try and get the recipe written up tomorrow!
I also dipped some in melted dark chocolate.
Estas estan media cubiertas con chocolate negro.
Muy ricas...
A ver si mañana escribo la receta...
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