martes, 30 de abril de 2013


Mònica nos pidió estas galletas  para completar  una cesta llena de detalles de bébé.

Monica asked us  for some baby themed biscuits to make up a basket of presents for  baby Àlex.

Have a look at a sample below!

Echar un vistazo a una muestra de las galletas aqui !


La semana pasada fue bastante movida entre los talleres de decoración de galletas con los niños del CEIP El Roquissar de Altafulla toda la mañana del Lunes, el cuidado de mis queridos nietos dos tardes, y la celebración de Sant Jordi el Martes.
( Sin olvidar mi clase de conversación de Frances con  Chantal los miércoles)

El tiempo restante, Tina y yo nos dedicamos a hacer y decorar una tarta de cumpleaños para una niña  que cumplía 4 añitos .
La tarta havía de ser de temática de la Peppa Pig.
Hicimos un bizcocho de dos pisos relleno de mermelada de fresa y cubierto con swiss merengue butter cream.
 A mi me encantan las manualidades y así Tina se cuido de hornear la tarta y yo a modelar la familia de Peppa pig y todos los demás detalles pequeños  en pasta de azúcar.

It's been a busy week. Monday we held the workshops decorating biscuits with the juniors from EL Roquissar school. Tuesday we were out and about , first visiting son Alex's occupational workshop's stall in Tarragona for Saint Jordi(George) then visiting The stalls in Altafulla. When we got there they had sold out of biscuits!!! The children were delighted at their success!!
Wednesday was my french conversation class and two afternoons I spent looking after my lovely grandchildren. My eldest daughter came to visit for a few days with her adorable baby girl so its been a "nana" week all in all.

Still, Tina and I found time to bake and decorate a Peppa Pig birthday cake for a little girl's 4th birthday. Tina saw to the baking and I looked after the decorating.
I love modelling and made pig figures out of sugar paste for the peppa pig family!! Also the little miniatures for her picnic on the top of the cake!!

Made of a cross between victoria sponge and madeira cake. It had 2 tiers, bottom tier filled with strawberry jam and top tier with jam and buttercream. We were asked to cover it with buttercream, so I decided to make a vanilla flavoured swiss meringue butter cream and coloured lightly to give a pale mint tone. Mmmm it makes my mouth water just thinking about it... This butter cream really is special so smooth and velvety on your tongue..

( from a lady blogger called Mara living in Madrid)
You will need:
140g eggwhites(appr 4 egg whites)  best at room temperature
230g sugar
450g butter( without salt)
Colouring and flavouribg to taste.

VERY IMPORTANT: the thermomix bowl and butterfly must be spotless  and dry for the meringue to rise!!

Heat egg whites and sugar in thermomix bowl with butterfly attachment.
5 mins at 60deg speed 31/2
Then 6 mins without heat.
Once it's whipped enough- it wont fall out if you turn the bowl upside down!
Then with the same speed running, add the cold (but not fridge hard) butter in cubes one by one .
It may deflate but will whip up nicely- takes about 5 mins.
If it doesnt whip correctly, just pop the bowl in the frige for a few minutes to cool down!
Once butter is all added, continue beating for a minute or two and add any flavouribg/colouring now if required.
It's now ready to use , but can be stored a couple of weeks sealed in the fridge. It can also be frozen, but MUST be thawed 24 hrs in the fridge before whipping up for use.

It really is so delicious!

Well. Here are a few photos of the cake and details of the pig family!! It was great fun making this!

La tarta acabada ya

Mummy pig and little brother George rolling in the mud!

Mama Pig y George pig jugando en el barro!

Daddy Pig watching the family.

Papa Pig con sus gafas, contemplando la familia.

The birthday girl's name and age plus 4 fondant candles!

El nombre de la cumpleañera con cuatro velas y su edad!

Peppa Pig and Sally Sheep having a fun birthday picnic on the top of the cake!
Complete with mini mugs,plates,napkins, an assortment of breads, hamburguer and cakes and a birthday cake!!

Peppa Pig y su mejor amiga Sally Sheep de picnic con una divertida selección de mini tazas,platitos,
servilletas y bandeja de panes,hamburguesa y pastelillos con tarta de cumpleaños!!

No podia faltar el sol y la nube en forma de piruleta de fondant -como el la serie de la tele!
Pastel ya envuelto a punto de ser recogido.

We didn't forget the sun and cloud(on lollipop sticks) of the TV series!
The cake ready and waiting to be collected!

Just wanted to add, that after a hectic week, I was treated  by my husband and  we went to  a Spa in "la Pineda",Tarragona, for a couple of hours "us time".  Sheer bliss!!! and fully recovered!

martes, 23 de abril de 2013


Hoy ha sido un día genial para salir a la calle y disfrutar del sol y del ambiente único del día de Sant Jordi.

We've had a lovely sunny day today
to celebrate Sant Jordi; out of doors perusing the book stalls and generally enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Aquí dejo unas fotos de nuestras galletas decoradas por l@s niños en los talleres de estos días y otras de cosecha propia! Han disfrutado mucho de la manipulación y de la creación con fondant.

Here are a few more photos of our biscuits. Some are decorated by us and others by the children who took part in our workshops. They had a great time manipulating and experimenting with fondant icing, cutters and printers.

using mini cutters  to decorate.

completing a dragon........

Finished dragons,each with their own personality!!

Tags coloured in by the children to complete their  biscuits. All are lovely tags were special requests designed by Eva Cano for me and purchased from I think you will agree that they finish the biscuits beautifully. So here's a big thankyou to Eva!!!

Have a Happy Day!!

¡ Feliz Día a tod@s!

    Catalan flags as a background to these red fondant roses.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


An image to remind you that there's not long to go till Sant Jordi( Saint George). As Matina Cookies we have been doing workshops  on decorating biscuits with fondant with a Sant Jordi theme( roses,books and dragons!!) with juniors at El Roquissar school in Altafulla. More photos to follow!

Falta poco para Sant Jordi- fiesta de la rosa y del libro. Aquí os dejo un anticipo!
De aquí a poco publicare más fotos de nuestros talleres y galletas de Sant Jordi.


Please take a look at these pictures of our most recent cake creation.
Made with care for 4 cousins- a special request for Muriel, their mum and aunty. The inspiration and some animals are from" Bronnie bakes" blog. She has some great tutorials.

Chocolate truffle filling and ganache outside with a victoria sponge base with fondant and gum paste  animal decorations.

Os ofrecemos estas fotos de nuestra creación reciente con temática de animales de la granja , hecho con mucho cariño para 4 primos de 3 a 7 añitos a petición de Muriel. La inspiracion, otra vez gracias al blog" Bronnie bakes "! Es genial.

De victoria sponge, relleno de trufa de chocolate y recubierto de ganache de chocolate con decoraciones de fondant y y pasta de goma.

                                 unos simpáticos cerditos bañandose en el barro/buttercream!!
                                 Pink piggies wallowing in the mud or buttercream!

                                                             Bottoms up !!

                                                             Pato al agua!

                                                              Simpática vaquita en el cesped.

                                                               Friendly little moo cow!

                                                  Carrots for the donkey.

                                              Mini zanahorias para el burrito

mini margaritas          mini daisies

Tarta de la granja preparada para recoger!


Unas dulces galletas que hicimos para Ramon. Un obsequio de la tieta Vicky que llego sano y a salvo a Alicante- casi 400 quilómetros - gracias a unos cuantos metros de plástico de burbujas y los cuidados del transportista!!

Aquí os dejo unas cuantas imágenes hechas antes de empaquetar!!

sábado, 13 de abril de 2013


We have been baking biscuits together for a while now and I wanted to bake a special cake for daughter Tina's birthday. I had a good idea of what I wanted to do , but needed a bit of inspiration to get started.
There are lots of great blogs for decorating with fondant and I came upon one from an English lady , Astral de la Mare owner and baker at the Buttercream Bakery in Brighton who specialises in miniature fondant/sugar paste toppers and figures for cupcakes . Her blog is " The Extraordinary Art of Cake "
As soon as I checked out the blog I saw just what I had in mind! But I wanted it for a cake not a cupcake. However, the principal is the same so I just adapted it to my needs.
I made a victoria sandwich style cake with 3 layers filled with jam and buttercream and also covered with a smooth layer of butter cream as a base which I left overnight before adding the fondant .

Meanwhile, I prepared all the plates,napkins and mini cakes.
The plates are small biscuits, which I had shaped before baking,covered with fondant.
The napkins are thinly rolled and cut out squares edged with a modelling tool and folded. The first ones I did, I didnt add trag gum - so they cracked! So I had to do them again!! They were fine the second time round! I painted the decorative edge with a pearl food paint.

Here are a few photos so you can see the results. I had great fun with decorating this cake.
 And I know Tina was delighted with it!!

Hice esta tarta para el cumpleaños de mi hija Tina. Hacemos las galletas y pasteles juntas, así queria hacerle un obsequio especial!

Me inspiré de un blog de Astral de la Mare del Buttercream Bakery en Brighton,Inglaterra. Su blog"The extraordinary art of Cake" es fuera de este mundo. Hace verdaderas esquisiteces para "toppers" de cupcakes y galletas. Adapté la idea para un pastel y hecho a mi aire...

La masa es la que uso para las monas de Pascua. Es entre un"Madeira cake" y un "bizcocho". Tiene un poco mas de consistencia. Lo rellene (3 pisos) de buttercream de vainilla y mermelada de frambuesa.

Hice las miniaturas con varios dias de antelación para que se secaran bien. Las photos os dará una idea del resultado. Me lo pasé pipa haciendo todas las decoraciones.


la mesa a punto para la hora del té!
It's tea time!!


Pastelillos y detalle de una servilleta.
Fondant napkin  and chocolate slices. Plates are biscuit based covered with white fondant.

  Bandeja de pan con panecillos.
Bread basket with mini rolls


martes, 2 de abril de 2013


Es una costumbre muy arraigada en Cataluña y que se celebra el Lunes de Pascua.
Los padrin@s regalan una pastel a sus hijad@s este día y se suelen reunir la familia o los amigos para hacer una excursión con picnic, a la playa ,al campo o a la montaña.
Naturalmente la Mona se come de postre.
Antiguamente la Mona fue una masa de pan dulce, tipo briox con forma de corona
Decorada con huevos duros. Esto se ha ido evolucionando a la masa de bizcocho relleno y cubierto de mermelada, o crema de mantequilla o trufa decorado con huevos o figuras de chocolate , con laminas de almendra , fruta escarchada y plumas de colores. Muy vistosa, la verdad.
Este año me pidieron hacer un par de monas con la decoración algo diferente.
La primera la hice de lineas clásicas. Pero con la particularidad de recubrirla con fondant sabor de chocolate en vez de crema de chocolate. El relleno fue de buttercream de vainilla y mermelada de fresa. El resultado lo podéis ver a continuación- me han dicho que gustó