This morning I took a walk down to the beach,
about 8.30am for some fresh air.
It looked really menacing. The sea was almost green!
It certainly woke me up! Strong winds,too!
Solitario paseo por la playa de Torredembarra
un lunes por la mañana. Finalmente no llovió
pero el viento se dejó notar.......
Can you spot the seagull?
El mar se teñia de un color casi verde !
Seguro que mis pulmones
se han beneficiado del paseo!!
(Normalmente,espero que haga un poco de sol
para mis paseos matinales,pero me encantó
tener practicamente toda la playa para mi sola!!)
Of course,when I got back home,
So,what better than to have a hot steaming Latte
and warm homemade scones
which I made over the week end
with melting butter and fruity raspberry jam!!!
They didnt last for long!
Well, I was SOOO hungry!
First, a generous layer of butter
Primer, una buena capa de mantequilla
que se deshacía con la calor del "scone"
Then a good dollop of my favourite raspberry jam !
Después dos buenas cucharadas
de mermelada de frambuesa!
Now comes the best bit!
Nyam! Nyam!Nyam!
Y .....a comer!
Well, they didnt last long.......!
(Please dont think I usually have such a delicious start to the day,
its normally tea or coffee plus toast !)
That reminds me of when I worked as a private nurse
MANY years ago, as live in nurse and companion
to an elderly lady in the early stages of Alzeimer.
She had a cook/housekeeper who made scones
EVERY morning for the lady in question.
She always left the top of the milk out in the cold pantry
overnight for it to turn sour. Those scones were
absolutely scrumptious.
I think my penchant for scones comes from that time!
I sometimes buy buttermilk from Lidl,
or use sour cream from Carrefour.
Or whipping cream,
now that gives a lovely texture.
I often use my standby thermomix recipe,
but also use traditional method.
The important thing is to handle the absolute minimum
and leave for a while before cutting rounds to go in the oven.
And I often add things
HINTS: a few chopped dates and walnuts ...out of this world.
No need for jam with these.
or substitute up to a quarter of the flour with oat flour.
That gives a softer scone,quite delicious.
And if you want them with more texture
you can add some jumbo oats to the flour
and sprinkle more on top.
And you can even add m and m's or smarties!
(not my choice)
In fact, wherever your imagination takes you!
(I certaintly did!!)
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