lunes, 28 de enero de 2013


Un encargo reciente para una amiga quien cumplia 50 años.
Es un diseño"pop up" de Judith Flavel de CUP.

A recent order for a 50th birthday celebration.

Es una postal muy especial.  Lleva un mensaje que se puede leer cuando tires de la pestaña delante.

The front of the card pops up when you pull the tab at the front,showing a personalised greeting.

He añadido toques de stickles(purpurina) a las copas de champan
 para simular burbujas, y stickles plateado alrededor de los globos para más brillo.
 He realizado un mini ramito de rosa de seda roja y plateada
con unos capullitos rosas e hojas
 todo atado con cinta satinada color verde oscuro, acabado en lazo.

I used stickles glitter to decorate and a mini own creation bouquet of roses
 tied with a green satin bow.

Tiene un sobre a juego
 There's a matching envelope
La verdad es que me ha gustado mucho como me ha quedado.

Ya habia hecho este diseño el año pasado para un aniversario de boda.
Quedó muy fino también, pero con lacito rosa en vez de ramito
 y unas perlitas para adornar las rosas de decoupage.

I´m really pleased with the result.
it looks quite stunning and makes a lovely keepsake.

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013


I havent added any biscuits for a while,
 been eating them up too quickly!

So I thought I'd better add these we've  prepared.

Here are some  pink and white decorated biscuits

ready and waiting for a special baby girl,

whenever she puts in an appearance!

But I think lots of little girls, of all ages,

 would be very happy to receive them as a present!

I've added names to a few,
but just in case there are last minute changes,
I'm reserving them for now!


Another cute and adorable design from Carol Smith at CUP.


I've mounted it on pink pearlised backing paper, layered with foam pads

and added bows, tiny pearl hearts and faux brads.

Otro diseño muy dulce de Carol smith de CUP para el dia de los enamorados.

Este conejito es super simpatico con sus brazos llenos de montones de corazones....


sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


Something different for February 14th!

Has someone opened the key to YOUR heart?

Why not tell them so with this original valentine card?

This steampunk valentine card is in gold and brown tones with a 3D layered heart centre.
I've added a mini metal key with coffee organza bow and a mini  metal padlock.
Design available from Craftsuprint(  designer Anne Lever,  ref: cup385324_1763)

I can also make it up for you and personalise with names and greeting.

 I can be contacted at:

Postal  estilo Punk romantico para el dia de los enamorados.

Diseño de Anne Lever  de Craftsuprint. Referencia , cup385324_1763

Tambien te lo puedo hacer y personalizar con nombres y saludo

Puedes  contactar conmigo  a : nanascraftythings@

martes, 22 de enero de 2013


This is a gorgeous card from Carol Smith at CUP.
 I've printed it on linen textured photographic paper to add to the textured soft feel.
Added decoupage with foam pads, decorated with  pink buttons and  pink satin ribbon
And a pink easter bunny!

It is soooooooooo sweet!

Una postal para San Valentin impreso en papel fotografico tipo lienzo.
Le da un toque suave al contenido.

Muuuuuy dulce!


domingo, 20 de enero de 2013


Great for gift tags or for sending short  greetings. These are great fun from designer Carol Clarke at CUP.



matching mini insert.


The designs for these cards are available from the Craftsuprint site.   Some are a mix of backing papers,toppers,die cuts and decorative details, that I have combined to my taste.  Some are card designs complete with decoupage and some are complete kits with matching envelopes.

Los siguientes diseños son todos comprados de la pagina web de . Algunas son fondos,y toppers que he combinado a mi gusto. Otros son diseños con decoupage y otros son "kits" muchos con sobres incluidos.

A sweet vintage new baby boy card topper combined with a pretty hearts and lace background paper.

Ten little tiny toes that look good enough to eat! combined with a dummy backing paper and blue buttons.
A delicate stork decoupaged on dotted mount with textured pink handmade paper on a pink cardblank and a few pretty gems.

Rocker stepper kit
                                                          and matching envelope

Teddy Ted cut out card character from Carol Clarke
matching envelope
and gift tags
A "quick card" to make for a new baby girl.
Simple and very effective.
A stepper card for a new baby girl with pretty felt embellishments.

Cute baby boy card with patchwork decoupage hearts.
A beautiful new baby boy card to feast your eyes on. Its a design from Sue Douglas at CUP.

more to follow .....................


This is  such a brilliant card concept!   It took quite a long time to craft, but is absolutely stunning!
Well worth the time involved. This was a special request for  a new baby grandaughter.
It is sooooooooooo  adorable! And it hides a surprise inside the draped windows!

Una felicitación especial para el nacimiento de una niña.
Es preciosa, un encargo especial, hecha a mano por  mi misma.
Resulta laboriosa de hacer, pero el resultado es  una pasada! Hay sorpresa dentro!

When the curtains are pulled open youcan see a delightful Nursery complete with sleeping baby girl in her cot and numerous details, even pictures on the walls! 



For those of you who celebrate Valentines Day here are one or two  suggestions:

Unas divertidas  sugerencias para el dia de los enamorados:


Mini valentine card with rounded corner stackers, decorated with frosted lace stickles glitter and 2 mini red heart  gems. Matching envelope. Designer Anne Marie Vaux at CUP.

Tarjeta mini de corazon con capas redondeadas en dos esquinas. Decorada con purpurina(detalle de puntilla) y dos mini corazones rojos.

Mini card with corner stackers and matching envelope to accompany that special gift.
Downloaded and crafted by yours truly from the  CUP website. designer A.M. Vaux.

Tarjeta mini decorada con lacito y  decoupage  con su sobre a juego. Perfecto para un mini mensaje o para acompañar un regalo especial.

A special cookie pocket for an edible Valentine gift ! This is sure to go down well. After all, the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, as they say .........

Un regalo comestible para deleitar a aquel alguien especial en el dia de San Valentin.  Realizado de un diseño de Maurine Tapscott  de CUP.

Another cookie pocket ,this time with a red rose decoration. Also crafted  from  a CUP download by the same designer. Tasty heart shaped decorated biscuit.

Bolsita decorada con rosa roja para una galleta en forma de corazon decorada con fondant. Deliciosa  y apeticible!

LOVE  YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T'ESTIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TE QUIERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Para  las personas interesadas, las postales se pueden subir de
Los diseños varian en precio: de 25centavos hasta 5 € para kits con sobres incluidos .